Independent and with family

It was during confinement, carried out as best we could with 2 children indoors in Paris, that the idea of ​​La Miocherie was born.

More time playing together, desires for other games, moments of exchange and transmission, and knowing who makes and how the games and toys.

A desire also to stop being taken for two-week-old rabbits with French-washing also called Franco-lavage ... What is it? This is how brands sow doubt with mentions such as "French design", "French family business", or when a brand manufactures 5% of its production in France and the rest in Asia and does not clearly specify the locations of production, flags and color codes blue white red on labels and sites...

So we imagined La Miocherie, a neighborhood store and e-commerce site offering a selection of beautiful, good and well-produced toys, mainly in France and also in Europe with a clear display.

In the store, a second-hand space is supplied by parents and children in the neighborhood: children's books, games, toys, puzzles for all ages. Donation, redemption, barter, everything is possible.

Our motto: Less is more!

W e do not have 100 references available by age or skill . When we find our safe, tested and approved value , and we are on the same page with the manufacturer, we stick to it.

You have everything!

Capucine & Tony

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