Les jeux de société dérivés du Petit Bac

Board games derived from Petit Bac

Capucine Noël

Ah, the baccalaureate game, a great classic for young and old, constantly brought up to date!

Here is our selection of games based on the concept of Petit Bac, Made in France of course.

Speed ​​Bac ! An extremely funny board game for fast and rhythmic games. A touch of bad faith and a lot of imagination make this game addictive, for all ages from 10 years old.

An adult version of Speed ​​Bac, Speed ​​Bac Carnage , is also available with more trashy but equally funny themes!

In a more classic version, we find the Petit Bac ready-to-play blocks , including detachable sheets pre-printed with the different categories. We can choose the Junior, Crazy or classic version with no less than 23 categories, depending on the age and the desire of the moment.

The game sheets are already ready to be filled in with the different categories.

So, ready for a Little Bac ?

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