Cadeau de naissance Made in France : comment éviter le casse-tête ?

Why a Made in France birth list?

Capucine Noël

Ah la la the birth list puzzle! The exercise is already touchy as it is, but if we also try to include well-produced gifts, preferably in France, it becomes a real puzzle.

A way to "control" the origin of gifts

And at the same time, we don't really have a choice. I remember that the birth list was also a way for us to curb the fanciful purchases of those around us. Mind you, I know that it started with good intentions, but receiving gifts for our babies that were made in deplorable conditions broke my heart. I really felt like I was the pain in the neck asking those around me for well-produced things, and I was well aware that it pissed everyone off :-) But to make an analogy, offering a gift to my child produced on the other side of the world at the cost of the health of those who made it is like serving meat to a vegan and saying "well what?, you're not going to bother us with your stories"...

The right price is one that fairly remunerates each link and produces value and quality where we live.

Unfortunately, we are increasingly losing the reality of the fair price for the products we buy. Choosing Made in France also means contributing to ensuring that each link in the chain is paid correctly and that raw materials are sourced and controlled, it means protecting the creation of local value.

Keep control of quantity, quality and share the costs!

The birth list also allows you to keep control over the quantity of gifts, and their good quality and safety, but also to share the costs.

Gift cards can sometimes be a trap if they come from brands that sell poor quality products. Choose gift cards from ethical brands that are involved in local life!

To help you find what you're looking for, we've put together some Made in France gift ideas to put on your birth list, right here!

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